Interesting article in USA Today by Robert Kiyosaki on our school system

Hello all. I found an intersting article posted in the USA TODAY by multi billionaire Robert Kiyosaki. He talks about our school system.  This article is an eye opener! I am currently re reading his latest book, “Conspiracy’s of the Rich, the 8 new rules of money” and it is fantastic.  I recommend it highly. Here is an excerpt from the article,” We need two school systems”

In the summer of 1932, presidential candidate Franklin Delano Roosevelt promised, “I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people.”
Today, it is time not for a “New Deal,” but a “New Mission.”

America’s schools need to take a page from the businesses that have been created by entrepreneurs over the past decades. Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Sergey Brin and Larry Page have all given us the road map, but the path toward entrepreneurship is often the road less traveled America’s schools.

The U.S. unemployment rate is currently 9.7% in what many call a “jobless recovery.” So what should we do? The problem and the solution can be found in America’s educational system and its current mantra: “Go to school and get good grades, so you can get a good high-paying job.” In simpler terms that means, “Go to school to become a good employee.” But there are too many employees, which is why we have an unemployment problem. Today, kids just out of school aren’t finding jobs. At the same time, many of their parents are going back to school for retraining. But they’re not finding jobs, either.

The idea of a high-paying job for life is truly an American dream — but no longer a reality. With low-priced labor and lower-priced, higher-performance technology, high-paying American jobs will be disappearing at greater speed as they move overseas.

Read the rest here.

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