Going from ‘Good to Great’ with the 90 day Mental Fitness Challenge

Author Jim Collin’s wrote a best-selling book called, “Good to Great”, where he reveals many of the factors that determine the long-term success or failure of a business or corporation.  Through his exhaustive research and analysis of facts and data, there are some key revelations why some companies triumph and achieve long-term sustained success and others fail.  One of the key reasons according to Collins is because ‘good is the enemy of great’.  Collins says most individuals and companies that fail, do so because they are comfortable and happy with their current situation, good or bad.  A lot of businesses settle for good and never aspire to be great.  Mr Collins writes, “That good is the enemy of great is not just a business problem.  Its a human problem.  As we seek to understand the differences between good and great, between excellent and mediocre, I believe it comes down to the individual.  It comes down to a choice and how we think. It’s a matter of conscious thought.

Ironically enough, the first chapter of “Good to Great”, references Level 5 leadership and what a significant impact leadership had on those companies that achieved greatness.  Since the leadership/personal development industry is roughly a 400 billion dollar industry, clearly going from ‘Good to Great’  involves applying the right principles and practices of success and leadership over time and doing what is necessary to get the job done. We may not understand fully what leadership is but we certainly know,see and feel what a lack of leadership is.  We see it in our Governments, unions, Churches, schools and homes all across the globe.

   Orrin Woodward, best-selling author of multiple books including Launching a Leadership Revolution and Resolved-13 resolutions for LIFE, #6 Leadership guru on the planet,  and the founder of LIFE -Living Intentionally For Excellence Inc., has not only achieved amazing personal success, but has also taught thousands of others the principles of  success, leadership and the importance of personal development.  The question is, as a business owner, employer or employee, how valuable, profitable or significant would it be to have leadership/personal development training integrated into your business or personal life?  The testimonies are overwhelming.

What the New 90 day Mental Fitness Challenge and the LIFE/LLR ( leadership training ) is doing today is leveraging the best minds of our time to provide the right information to individuals and corporations looking to improve and excel.  In order to go from good to great and achieve results, it all comes down to helping and empowering the individual to embark on a journey of leadership training and personal growth.

If you are a business owner, employee or just an individual looking to live the life you’ve always wanted, what the Mental Fitness Challenge can do help identify and teach what is necessary for success.  Imagine an employee or employer with a better attitude, better people skills, higher level of character and integrity, better conflict resolution skills,  deeper sense of purpose, greater knowledge of systems thinking or business in general.  All of these traits and more can and will ultimately lead to better business,  profits and productivity.

The greatest part I have seen is that the Mental Fitness Challenge has been engineered and developed by an amazing group of men and women, all with overwhelming results in life.  None of these individuals pontificate from on high or just write about success.  They are all actively out in society developing other leaders, something the world is sorely lacking today. With over 18 years of teaching and success in the business world and a mission to help millions of people learn, grow and get better, the impact of LIFE goes beyond measure.  The founders of LIFE and the Mental Fitness Challenge have made it their legacy to spread leadership and teach timeless principles and practices to the masses, and do it in a fun, affordable way.  Customers can share the Mental Fitness Challenge with others and get reimbursed for the cost of their Package.  That alone is amazing.

The Mental Fitness Challenge can help teach what was never taught or emphasized in school, even at the college level. The Mental Fitness Challenge can help maintain high levels of performance over time which is key.  This material is of the highest quality, most competitive cost in the world.  There are countless schools, Real Estate companies, Lawyers offices, churches and other business organizations implementing this material.  It is in demand all across the globe, thanks to the Gentlemen and Ladies that represent the best leadership service provider in the world.  The best investment anyone can make is in their brain.  Proper thinking and information from the right source can and will lead to the right results, offer immeasurable success in your professional and personal life and take you from Good to Great in whatever endeavor you pursue.  Are you ready to take the Challenge?

God Bless,

Ben and Tanya

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